Swimming Pool Chemicals: Getting The Balance
If you really want to get the most out of your pool then you need to know how to look after it properly and part of this includes getting the chemical balance of your pool right. There can be all sorts of problems thrown up if you don’t use chemicals in your pool – but you can also create problems by adding too many chemicals and getting the balance wrong.
There are two kinds of dirt which your pool can accumulate, the first is the visible dirt, usually taken care of by your filter, the second is the invisible dirt which is where chemicals come into play.
The invisible dirt in your pool can be a myriad of things, including bacteria, algae and fungi. These make your pool unpleasant to swim in and can be a festering feeding ground for dirt and disease. One of the best ways to disinfect the water in your pool and make it safe to swim in is to use a chlorine or bromine solution.
Here, we’ve put together a short guide to help you get the chemical balance of your pool right.
Get The pH Balance Right
The pH balance of your pool indicates how acidic or how basic your pool is. To keep your pool as fresh as possible you should ideally be looking for a level between 7.2 and 7.6 on the pH scale.
If your pH is too high
- This could irritate your skin and your eyes
- The water may become cloudy
- You may see discolouration and scaling
- Chlorine may not work as well
If your pH is too low
- Metals may dissolve
- This could irritate your skin and your eyes
- Alkalinity may be lost
- Your liner may wrinkle
Calcium Levels
Calcium levels in your pool are also important to keep an eye on, since the hardness of the water can impact the pool if not balanced correctly. Too much hardness results in a scale forming on your pool while too little calcium will see your pool corrode. The size of your pool can dictate what your hardness level should be but it’s generally considered that your level should be between 200ppm and 400ppm.
Algae Problems?
There is nothing more off-putting than a green pool. If algae has settled in your pool the problem will quickly escalate – in this instance your best bet for rescuing your pool is to use shock chlorination, which is a heavy dose of chlorine to remove the algae which has taken hold.
There are many ways in which you can keep on top of your pool, but be sure to never add different chemicals together; always add each chemical solution to your pool separately. For more information on which swimming pool chemicals are best for your pool take a look at our very own chemical servicing page, where you can find such product as Fi-Clor chemicals.