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Indoor Pool Pitfalls: Part 2 – Usage Issues

Last month we discussed indoor pools and the design issues which surround having one constructed. This month, in the second part of our indoor pool special, we’ll be taking a look at the swimming pool maintenance requirements for indoor pools, which can differ from a normal outdoor pool. There’s no reason you should avoid an indoor pool – in fact, they’re great because you can use them whatever the weather is like outside! – but there are some things you need to consider when using one.

Oxidising & Evaporation

The treatment of your indoor pool is going to need even more attention than an outdoor pool. This is because your non-filterable wastes such as grease, body oils, and perfumes won’t be so easily disposed of. Usually, some of these wastes would be evaporated into the air outside, helping you to keep the pool clean. Shocking the pool, sometimes referred to as “oxidising”, helps to burn off these unwanted wastes – but there are two stages to this process. Check out the next section on ventilation for more details.

One thing to keep in mind when shocking your pool regularly is how hard to shock it. This should be in line with how many people use the pool and how often. One person using the pool sparingly will mean less oxidising is required than if a whole family is using the pool every day of the week.



The general steam of a heated pool is going to cause problems if you don’t have adequate ventilation. This is going to be a moisture-heavy room so it stands to reason that you need to have a way of refreshing the air supply.

You’ll also be oxidising your pool on a regular basis if it’s in use a lot – this means that a lot of the wastes in your water will be burned off into the air. If you don’t pull these out of the room with ventilation, they will eventually find their way back to the pool.

Pool Odor

When we talk about bad pool odors, we’re not talking about the chlorine scent which lingers in the air around most pools – this actually signals that the pool is clean – what we mean is a pungent odor which signifies that the water balance is way off. This smell will indicate that there are wastes lingering in the air (hence the need for ventilation). The problem isn’t usually one you’ll have with an outdoor pool since the breeze will do away with any bad odors, but indoor pools need more attention in this area if they’re going to be pleasant to use.

Swimming pool maintenance can be tricky for an indoor pool if you don’t have the time to dedicate to it. If you’re worried about your pool and would like expert pool maintenance services, then don’t hesitate to contact H2O Swimming Pools. We’ll be happy to set up a maintenance schedule to suit your requirements and help you keep your pool in top condition all year round.


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